No. The sole purpose of Foxes Have Homes is to connect Adventist homeowners and Adventist house sitters. We envision the relationship between homeowner and house sitter as being mutually beneficial which typically would not involve the exchange of money. If there is an exchange of money, that is strictly between the homeowner and the house sitter and would not involve Foxes Have Homes.
We do an initial screening with a qualifying question before we allow anyone to join Foxes Have Homes. However, we strongly urge you to correspond with each other and even connect on Zoom. You'll want to see pictures of each other and the house. Ask for information on which church each of you attend and what your pastors' names are. Then ask for church and pastor contact information and references.
You should commit to the entire time the homeowner wants you, which could be from a little as one night or as long as two years or more!
Hopefully to keep the spammers away and because creating and running a website costs money.
Because Foxes Have Homes would rather put their time and energies into this website than moderating comments in a Facebook group.
No! Provided you can speak and read English then it is available globally and actually would be fun to housesit in different countries.
It's best to keep it in the family - the church family.
Foxes Have Homes House-sitting Network connects Adventist home owners with Adventist house sitters.*